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Concerto for piano, trumpet & strings
19:30 — Victoria Hall, Geneva
19:30 — Victoria Hall, Geneva
19:30 — Fondation Pierre Gianadda, Martigny, Martigny
Great Patron
Jonathan Nottconductor
Martha Argerichpiano
Giuliano Sommerhaldertrumpet
Igor Stravinski
Tango, for orchestra
Dimitri Chostakovitch
Concerto No. 1 in C minor for piano, trumpet and strings Op. 35
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Symphony No. 41 in C major K.551
The music
Born, like our soloist Martha Argerich, in Argentina, the tango has spread all over the planet, becoming one of the most popular forms of music. This did not escape Stravinsky, who composed one as soon as he arrived in the United States. Created in 1941 by Benny Goodman, Stravinsky's Tango, one suspects, does not really follow tradition, but on the contrary takes side roads in an atmosphere created from scratch. The neoclassicism made fashionable by Stravinsky seems to have reached the ears of the young Shostakovich when he composed his Piano Concerto No. 1 to which he added a maliciously parodic solo trumpet. Shostakovich’s mocking tone and unbridled humor reign supreme over this concerto, which over the years has become one of his most performed works. "Immortal and ideal model of the symphony" for Mendelssohn, Mozart's last Symphony No. 41, entitled Jupiterby an English impresario who had a sense of the formula, always amazes with the perfection of its writing. His poetic scope, his dynamism, his knowledge of counterpoint quite simply make him one of the greatest monuments of Western music.