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The Orchestre de la Suisse Romande is a private foundation whose resources derive mainly from the Republic and City of Geneva, Radio Suisse Romande / Television Suisse Romande, contributions from the Friends of the OSR, the State of Vaud, donations, bequests and sponsoring, and ticket sales.

The Board of Trustees is the uppermost governing body of the OSR structure. The management group of the OSR consists of the Artistic Commission, the Stewardship Committee and the Audit Office. The musicians are represented in the management group through the OSR Committee.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the uppermost governing body consists at present of 9 members:

Charlotte de Senarclens - President

Blaise Lambelet - Vice-President

Etienne d'Arenberg - Treasurer

Bruno Mégevand - Representative of the Canton of Geneva

Vincent Métrailler - Musicians’ Representative

Alexandre Oltramare - Co-opted Member

Loïc Schneider - Musicians’ Representative

Yves-Marie Trono - Representative of the City of Geneva

Brigitte Waridel - Co-opted Member

Honorary president: Françoise Demole


The management of the OSR

1. The Artistic Commission, responsible for the programming of the OSR’s activities:


Charlotte de Senarclens - President of the FOSR

Jonathan Nott - Music and Artistic Director

Steve Roger - General Manager

Mitsou Carré - RTS Radio Télévision Suisse 

Richard Cole - Representative of the Geneva Association of the Friends of the OSR

Guillaume Bachellier - Head of Production

Arthur Bonzon - Musicians’ Representative

Inès de Saussure - Artist Manager

Giuliano Sommerhalder - Musicians’ Representative


2. The Stewardship Committee, composed by:

Steve Roger - General Manager

Gregory Cassar - Orchestra personnel manager

Vincent Métrailler - Musicians’ Representative

Loïc Schneider - Musicians’ Representative

Camillo Battistello


3. Audit Office, managed by KPMG SA, Genève


The OSR Committee

The OSR Committee consists of eight musicians from the orchestra; they are represented in the management group of the OSR

4 members elected by the assembly of the l'USDAM (Union Suisse Des Artistes Musiciens), Geneva section:

Camillo Battistello - President 

Jarita Ng - Secretary

Vincent Godel - Treasurer

Ines Ladewig Ott - PSST Representative

Guillaume Jacot


2 musicians’ representatives, elected by the assembly of the sub-section of the USDAM:

Vincent Métrailler

Loïc Schneider

2 representatives of the Artistic Commission elected by the assembly of the sub-section of USDAM:

Arthur Bonzon

Giuliano Sommerhalder


Pension CommiTTEE

Olivier Perrenoud - President

Valérie Voiblet

Sylvain Lombard

Claude Pidoux

Bruno Mégevand

Yves-Marie Trono

Marie Sirot - Representative of the pensioners

Please send your donations directly to the FOSR account as follows:

Fondation de l’Orchestre de la Suisse Romande
Rue Bovy-Lysberg 2
1204 Genève
IBAN: CH24 0078 8000 K115 0387 7
subject: commission de prévoyance