Born in 1976, the violinist Caroline Baeriswyl was taught by a quartet that we no longer present: Patrick Genet, the first violin of the Quatuor Sine Nomine. In 1999 she was awarded a First Prize for virtuosity in her class at the Geneva Conservatory. Following the example of her teacher, she devoted herself to chamber music at a very early age, creating the Da Capo Quartet at the age of sixteen.
Her talent was also noticed in several competitions: in 1996, she won the Maurice Sandoz Prize at the Jeunesses Musicales Suisse competition and, in 1998, she was laureate of the Pierre and Renée Glasson competition.
Today, she holds the position of principal violin of the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, which allows her to devote herself to symphonic music as well as to opera.
At the same time, she has a great interest in chamber music, notably with the Florestan Quartet for several years and, since 2006, with the D-cadences wind and string ensemble of the OSR.
She regularly serves as concertmaster of the United Nations Orchestra.
Finally, Caroline Baeriswyl is a member of the Compagnie du Rossignol, which presents music and various musical tales such as L'Histoire du Soldat and Le Rossignol, among others, in schools in Geneva and neighbouring France.