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Geneva association of friends of the OSR

Joining the Geneva Association of Friends of the OSR (AOSR) means joining a family of more than 2,500 music lovers who, aware of the privilege Geneva has in an internationally renowned orchestra, strive resolutely to support it.


Depending on the membership level, its members benefit from many advantages including lectures, free concerts, exclusive access to general and private rehearsals at the OSR, early access to season tickets, invitations to various events and private concerts, etc.

Further information on the Friends website (French only)

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Our benefits

Depending on the membership category, our members benefit from exclusive advantages such as:

  • Access to dress rehearsals for subscription concerts
  • Presale of subscriptions and concert tickets
  • 10% discount for new subscribers to the R, R+ and Chamber Music series
  • 20% discount on Chamber Music concert tickets
  • Conferences reserved for AOSR members
  • 10% discount at Plain Chant record store
  • Invitation to the Friends' reception following the New Year's Concert
  • Access to exclusive travel opportunities around the OSR
  • Meetings with musicians and artists

Visit us

The website provides information and allows you to join the Friends of the OSR online.
(Website in French only)

At the Friends' stand in the Victoria Hall, members of the Committee are on hand to help you before most OSR concerts.

The Geneva Association of Friends of the OSR publishes an annual brochure which you can obtain by contacting the secretariat or by consulting the programme below.

Season 24-25

(French PDF)


10am–12pm & 2pm–5pm
Rue Bovy-Lysberg 2 | C.P. 38 | 1211 Genève 8

022 328 07 80